
It’s not a millennial thing. I’ve seen many an Xer doing the same. And I’ve seen boomers taking video at concerts with *iPads* on multiple occasions.

“He’s still investigating exactly what went wrong.”

Not necessarily. I had one on my old office door when I dealt with sensitive information, but I didn’t use it to sexually harass anyone. It was to keep people from coming in when I was on calls/handling data.

Anyone high enough on the food chain had one.

This is actually very good news. While RVs are gas-guzzlers (or more pedantically, fuel-guzzlers), most of them don’t get driven all that far. This glut of new RV sales means that not to far down the road the pre-owned market will be flooded with low-mileage units that were barely used before the owner ran into their

How do you drive your house to the lake

Considering how most owners either 1) drive them to a camp site and park them for months on end, or 2) use them a couple weeks out of the year, and leave them parked the rest of the time, I suspect that overall RVs don’t consume as much gas over the course of a year as you’d suspect they do.

“Camping” for most people doesn’t involve wilderness at all. Its just a way to get out of the house and into a place you can do some stuff. Riding dirt bikes with a kitchen at your disposal, visiting relatives without needing a hotel room of questionable cleanliness, etc.

That lead GIF is now the featured exhibit at the Blue Balls Hall of Fame.

You are spot on.

He’s out; under the “not fat” qualifier.

Clayton Hughes

I find it very classy that Dale Jr. waited until everyone in his crew had a beer before chugging away. A true gentleman. Or bro.


Correction: Cole Pearn is Truex’ Crew Chief, not his spotter. I’m not sure who his spotter is.

That sounds like an endorsement for the new rules...a deserving driver still won, and the last race still mattered.

Steve Morris engine. If we ignore the carnage in Tom Baileys car the past couple of years, he builds some stout boosted engines and delivers (afaik) to Pro Mod teams where 3000 hp is babycakes level and 4000 is more where the peak is. So he also has a lot of experience with that too.

If she qualifies well at Indy, she could be a 3rd of the Front Row.

Hi, troll. Welcome to where nobody gives a fuck. Make sure to grab your free sample of go fuck yourself as your letting the door hit you in the ass. Fuck off, have a shitty day, and remember, you are always not welcome to come back now, ya hear?

She’s not a bad racer, just more or so average one who just never really shined on a track, but she wasn’t bad. She just has had way too much outside expectations, and we judge her based on that.