
And Subway did a crappy commercial for Suarez. Bland, boring, and the voice over was unrelated to anything Subway was about. Clearly, they were looking for an excuse.

Subway followed Carl from Roush to Gibbs though If they could bail on the 99 like that why couldn’t they bail on the 19?

You do realize in europe they race semi trucks? This is far from the most useless form of truck racing. On any given weekend it’s the most exciting race in nascar as long as Kyle Bush isn’t in it.

I’m honestly more annoyed by the white sneaker and jorts in that lede photo.

...and it would really kill how much freight you can carry.

“Hurricane Harvey is still running Texas through the ringer...”

One of the more interesting things about this story is one you only touched on. KHOU’s station was flooding and the staff had to move upstairs to continue broadcasting. However, the entire station soon lost the ability to send anything out to the transmitter and the station told Brandi that “she was it, you’re all we

My father has an 03 duece. I love riding it. I have been a long harley hater, but I have been coming around more and more. A local dealer is having a 2018 model demo day this weekend, i’m hoping to ride a fatbob.

I’ve never been big on the Harley thing, thought the same thing as everyone else that doesn’t like them. When I was working at a bike dealership I took out an 09 XR1200 for a night. I started the bike, went down the street and by the time I stopped at first intersection, I “got it.”

Every comment on here is so damned predictable. I don’t know who is worse, you guys or the Harley guys who are still bitching that they don’t make panheads anymore. Seriously, someone like me who just plain love the bikes, have my whole life, always will, own 2 (and a Honda) there is nowhere to go where somebody

We’ll have to wait and see how they ride but Harley will be just fine. Their demise has been predicted for decades going back to at least the AMF years. Up in the northeast harleys predominate and when you go on tour you only really see harley groups. Occasionally you see a solo BMW rider or a Goldwing. Around town

HD has 3 times as many young buyers as their closest competitor in the segment.

I personally have never actually ridden a Harley-Davidson, so I can’t contribute all that much personal commentary on what this change is going to mean from a rider’s perspective. I will, however, be putting a couple hundred miles on a few machines from the 2018 lineup next week and will report back on how they

Given the size of the company, Dodge almost certainly had these social media campaigns mapped out well in advance, and tweets around them were pre-loaded and scheduled ahead of any incidents. This is extremely common, if not the norm, for social media posts.

Plymouth Horizon or Dodge Omni.

I’d love to see him and Wah Boodon commentating an F1 race (or any non-NASCAR race) by themselves.

2017 silly season should be known as the year of the sponsor. Kurt, Kasey, and Matt are still from the period of NASCAR when it was at it’s peak. Now with the younger drivers moving up the ladder in NASCAR there isn’t as many full year sponsors. The sponsors are also aware of the diminishing fan base. You look at

HMS is not the dominant force they were. I wouldn’t even say they are Top 3 this year, and with Dale and Kasey out and the young guys in, I think HMS is going the Roush route.

Agreed. I wasn’t a fan of Edwards but I liked how he did it. Ended his season then told everyone he was hanging up the suit. I do think if Jr. would have tried that it would have not been as easy going.

I will totally give you that. He has since day one just tried to be himself, which is tough when you have a father like his where everyone will constantly compare you to him. He’s never completely sold out or tried to do things for attention.