
I’m sure it would have been easy enough to post real stats comparing predominantly white neighborhoods to black ones which would still show how big a problem there is I don’t know why they need to make such dumb statements.

Not shooting your family pet is also a plus

He should follow up on Venezuela but then his treasure status would be in jeopardy

Yes all she got was a piddly $50 million

He was clearly still a genius though just not as a director. He created his vision out of nothing he used his own money to create ILM because it didn’t exist. The fact that he hired all the right people is constantly used as a slight against him is odd.

The Cash me Outside chick cuts him in half

For me the instant bread Rey has in the first one is stuck in my head

Wasn’t it supposed to literally be Greedo?

All resources are focused on Wandavision

There’s no shortage of people who say bad things about Campbells personal views on race

They did do that in China but it was a lot more than a couple of weeks

Don’t worry they’re going to show their respect for her next week with a flashback ep that will most likely feature every nude scene she ever did on the show.

He did appear in one of the hall of shame episodes

Harris generally took a decade to write a book could have just been outdated research


You never know today might be the day I build those shelves in the basement.

We weren’t really given both sides of the story maybe everyone on Alderaan was really evil.

How did she get them back from Thailand?

Or you could stop believing the advertising hype that convinced you to put baking soda in your fridge.

Why is there so little coverage of WandaVision on this site? I’m just grateful you didn’t waste any space covering that terrible show The Expanse because nobody would want to see that.