
I closed my eyes during that scen I had no interest in seeing Goldberg’s Prince Albert

I never really cared for the ending battle it seemed like Miller decided it was more important to get all his men killed than to actually save the bridge. It made a lot more sense to retreat to the other side of the bridge and then blow it once it became obvious there was no chance to save it.

Everyone knows Ernest is the “ Hey Vern” guy

Sorry my mistake. It doesn’t change the situation why did they sign him?

So why didn’t they just cut him in the offseason instead of giving him a $9 million contract?

She wears baggy clothes

I can’t think of any other shows where the network made such a mercenary decision so early. As soon as it became clear they had a monster hit on their hands they decided to maximize profits at the expense of making a good show. I guess they were right people kept watching no matter how bad the show got but they could

I thought the Howling was the better movie although both are great and I also prefer the Werewolf transformations in the Howling.


That was the point Stormfront made to Homelander earlier in the season he just needed someone who knew how to spin his story on social media.

My problem is they did introduce a character who could explode heads Cindy who escaped from the mental institution where they were injecting people with Compound V. The episode ends with her hitchhiking and getting into a car. It just felt like they did a last minute rewrite and gave Cindy’s powers to this AOC

I was speculating based on the timing of it. This supposedly happened 3 years ago why is she mentioning it now

Not to mention the claim of being a Judo champion which it turns out happened when he was 11

I’m sure he was the one filming during the rape a baby comments as well

Nippy seemed ok until he said he didn’t want his kids growing up in Canada clearly an asshole.

It’s a catchy tune

If you click the link to the LA Times article you can see it. It changed my mind from thinking that only the rich asshole blaring the music was a crazy to both rich assholes being insane.

Yeah it’s pretty clear in The Vow how much Mark is controlling the narrative in how he portrays himself and his wife and Sarah.

Apparently the author doesn’t understand the difference between winning a Super Bowl and showing up to a Super Bowl and crapping the bed and then refusing to talk to the media.

You think a high ranking exec handles benefits?