
AMC doesn’t share your views

Yeah the executive she was talking to likely had nothing at all to do with the Park and she wanted the situation fixed while her sister was standing at the gate she was definitely looking for a fight. 

I have my doubts that they had anything planned as to where the show was going it kinda felt like they were out of ideas the way it ended.

Shit ratings I imagine.

I thought it screamed “Mark Vincente’s effort to get his documentary career back online” . The Vow could have easily been condensed into 5 episodes without losing much. The one thing I found odd was in the 1st or 2nd ep there is mention of Rainiere curing people of very severe Tourette’s I kept assuming it would be

If Kaep had been a top 5 QB then the NFL would have worked something out with him and he wouldn’t have missed a game. At best he was about the 15th rated QB and the NFL just decided they could do without him. 

The glovebox doors all had a cup shaped indent on them

This fucker is a lot more talented

I believe they offered him to other teams for $209 a couple of years ago but there were no takers.

Imagine being her lawyer who supposedly got a call out of the blue to get her a deal with Netflix or he’d be fired.

Her contract was expiring and she was already talking to Netflix so why exactly did she need to threaten her lawyer? The whole thing is some petty bullshit beef and the timing probably points to revenge against this exec who is most likely up for a job and she decided to crush his chances.

I never understood the ending

No need to worry about that at Netflix just make 2 or 3 seasons and then bail

Yeah she was going to turn down this huge offer from Netflix that she had been negotiating with them for a couple of years if only Disney had handled this ticket thing. 

Everyone who be calling him Chaim

Funny how quickly you made it about gender

More likely they already knew she was leaving and they didn’t feel like dancing for her amusement.

It’s not a story if he’s not angry

Was he still in Greenland?

She’s not tall enough to play Bowser