
As a fan of the flavor I can attest that it still is although I never buy Fresca because any of the no name diet grapefruit sodas taste exactly the same it’s apparently not as complicated a formula as Coke.

I’m establishing the Over/Under line at 18 games for a player throwing a bowl of soup at him.

It’s Canada and October

I thought it was pretty good other than the tone shifting a little too far to goofy when Dennis Hopper shows up. The only thing it’s really guilty of is not imagining the possibility of a hurricane occurring.

The entire movie is filtered through Rose’s memories and she’s a horrible person as well. Rose has no idea how the diamond ended up in Jack’s pocket she liked the idea of Cal framing Jack instead of the obvious reality that an Irishman was a dirty thief. If Cal wanted to frame Jack he wouldn’t have needed to risk the

I always believe in acknowledging people when they succeed 

Rose was a horrible selfish person.

The adaptation is a masterpiece unless you were a fan of the batshit crazy Walt Disney serial killer storyline.

As much as people are piling on about how ridiculous making a series of Avatar movies is I still have to give Cameron the benefit of the doubt based on his body of work.

I largely ignored the movie for months and only went out of curiosity after talking to so many women who had seen it more than 5 times.

Total box office isn’t a very good metric as much as they say it’s adjusted for era listing movies by most tickets sold gives a much different top 10

The entire discussion has been derailed by your opening statement nice job.

They were trashing it because they they found out it was going to be a reboot

The actresses were already cast when she said that

Yes the implication is that the only actual complaint is that the original actresses aren’t being paid.

Never mind that only 1 of the 3 actresses is actually Afro-Latina. Medeleine Mantock is Afro-Caribbean and Sarah Jeffrey is Afro-Indigenous North American.

The biggest misstep was the lack of space turtle 

Because that’s what Dan Harmon said and the AV Club staff keep a firm lip lock on Harmon’s balls at all times.

If you say that within a week of his dying on Twitter I’m going to be outraged!

Lost Hong Kong??