
I always liked the line he used on Bill Maher’s show when they were talking about Michael Richards outburst and everyone was trying to downplay it and say he wasn’t a racist and Rock said” What’s he have to do shoot Medgar Evers to be considered a racist”?

He didn’t believe in it but he’d heard of it.

She only decided to sue for $10 million after deciding the band wasn’t taking her objections seriously enough.

Cormoran was the name of a giant in a Celtic myth. 

You could always leave and never come back

The only part that was realistic was that a guy with a 70 IQ could still get a degree from the University of Alabama if he won enough football games.

Nobody saw Shawshank in the theaters I’m sure that applied to Oscar voters too.

The tweet did say American males

Yeah I’m sure including the people who eat soy stew is really going to tilt the numbers.

Kinda like how everyone on this site has felt about you for years

You know he was just the host of that show right?

Why should you comment about something you don’t care about?

That’s why Riker wore the shoulder pads

You’d think Clooney would have used a couple of shovelfuls of his Tequila money to buy up the negatives.

He’s probably had housekeeper’s from all over the world everyone looks like they could be Arnie’s kid.

I read the Scrooge McDuck comic he ripped it off from first so I felt like I had half a clue what was going on in Inception.

The city of New Orleans still prefers to jail people for public urination during Mardi Gras over providing more porta potties.

I thought those mountains of burning candles looked pretty cool

When is The Expanse coming back?

How debauched can you get watching Lemmy playing a trivia machine?