

Just change it into Paulie getting a sex robot he’d be down with that. also you can’t cut out the robot scenes the movie would only be 78 minutes long.

Why assume Kim’s arc is tragic? Maybe she takes off with Lalo and lives happily ever after.

He definitely worked extra hard

Sphere was his crowning achievement in not being to write an ending

It was a toss up between that and “no pathogen space”

Congo was a great book

Burning witches release a huge amount of greenhouse gases

I don’t think TV works like that

That was always more about improved manufacturing techniques than an actual business strategy

Are millennials ok with Simpsons references or does that piss them off too?

It practically sells itself:

You’d have to try and put together a comparable cast of great character actors I’m not even sure it’s possible.

He just got it backwards they’re all set in Antarctica except for the first movie The Thing From Another World which is set in the Arctic.

Isn’t his entire career based upon looking and sounding like a guy you want to slap the shit out of?

No to be clearer I wasn’t referring to Trump’s folly just the idea that an open border isn’t a bad idea. If you actually wanted to stop it the obvious way to do it would be to go after any company that hired undocumented workers but that’s unlikely in the US.

His picture was there it wasn’t in doubt

Did you really miss it? He was in his top 5 walls list.

As a Canadian I’ve always been kind of confused by this issue. I was fully behind the government when they decided to bring in 100,000 refugees from Syria. I was also in favour of allowing thousands of refugees already in the US to come north and claim asylum before Tump deported them even though we have a law which

My ability to self edit my creepiness went out the window when I found out Grace Park was involved as well.