
Have you seen where he got married? He’s worse than Hitler.

That must have been amazing seeing all those dark cgi scenes in the rain on a huge screen.

Isn’t China in Asia?

Once people reach an age where they become obsessed with sound quality their hearing has already deteriorated down to below 16khz anyway.

Yeah you might want to do your own research on that. Trusting what so called audiophiles say about sound quality is never a good idea.

Isn’t calling it “Chocolatey” just legalese so they can make it with shitty fake chocolate? Not that real Hershey’s chocolate isn’t shitty also.

It was extra special having Gleason’s cursing redubbed by discount Fred Flintstone

I only watched Vinyl for it’s honest and realistic take on how you’re supposed to snort cocaine.

Yes you will not get any Midichlorians

That’s just dumb microwave it longer put a loose cover on the cup so it doesn’t explode and it will be plenty hot . If you’re having a cup use the microwave and add tea bag after or for loose tea use a tea ball shaped like the Death Star.

There are no actual youts on Tik tok they’re all Chinese Intelligence Operatives


Damn fleshy headed mutants

The B Sharps are holding auditions after they gave Chief Wiggum the boot

$100 million gross on a $26 million picture isn’t really a hit. Doubling the budget for a sequel that will probably only make the same as the original ends up as a break even at best.

Trader Joe’s are in tough on this one. They have a no GMO policy but it’s impossible to make vegetable processing floor sweepings taste like beef without the frankensteined Soy Bean.

Can you expand on your point? I’m interested in hearing what your issue is with fitbitz’s comment but what you’ve written here is gibberish.

Can you have integrity if you vote with Trump at a rate of over 80%? Massey’s rate is 71% I guess that should be considered good.

I have a hard time giving a fuck about some scumbag who is suing a scumbag organization because they won’t let him in on their con which has been accurately described by Ricky Gervais as existing so that it’s members can get their pictures taken with movie stars. If you actually want to be upset perhaps look to the

The awards show generates about $10 million a year. There are no member dues