
Every time I think of watching Near Dark or River’s Edge I remember that fucking kid is in them and pick something else. It is a shame that Jeannette Goldstein never got more work other than with James Cameron she’s an excellent actress.

There has never been the same outcry against cockfighting as compared to dogfighting. It was still legal in some states of the US 15 years ago and just got outlawed last year in Puerto Rico.

I try and imagine that movie without him in it. He’s only onscreen for a minute or 2 but I’m not sure the movie is worth watching without his scene.


How exactly is that different than what they were doing their last 2 years before the shutdown?

That Kobayashi guy was never the same after getting humiliated by that bear

There’s a really good Mexican restaurant in Sapphires in Vegas I often go there to eat without seeing any dancers.


In what world does this President send good wishes to a woman?

Jeff Goldblum could have told them what would happen.

It’s still better than “The ‘mats”

I can see having the staff wear masks but what are you accomplishing by having diners wear one? You have to take it off to eat anyway and taking it off for every bite and then putting it back on seems pointless.

I don’t see how it matters. It doesn’t matter that she couldn’t have been saved it matters that they didn’t care enough to try.

How much touch did she need when she was working with Spielberg and Lucas on a project they were both passionate about? It’s a little different working with JJ Abrams who’s passionate about Easter eggs and crappy puzzle box plots.

I had the same mental picture in my head I had to double check before I posted lol

Conquistadors did come to New Mexico

The CGI team will ask if it’s ok if the fight takes place at night, in the rain.

I really can’t say I’ve noticed any difference in the quality of web searches in the last 20 years this article makes it sound like Google was some huge improvement from the previous iterations

It’s still likely the most benign list of any president in the last 80 years

But she’s married to a war criminal