
If that were true they would have used a different photo 

My first reaction is to go to Mr skin and look up Olivia Taylor Dudley.

If it’s William they’re going to have some serious splainin to do. While it’s clear they have done something to William based on Charlotte having his proxy. I have a hard time coming up with a reason to put him in Charlotte’s head. If she could make William obey her anyway why not keep some of his knowledge of Delos

There were other charges that we didn’t hear plus how serious is a handgun in a car in New Mexico a couple of decades ago?

They have done gas explosions before and it’s not as easy as it seems. The gas air mixture has to be correct or it won’t explode like that. They had a number of tries blowing up a house failing because there was too much gas in the air. I think it was a Jason Bourne based episode.

It’s the same body with Dolores’ marble taken out and someone else’s marble inserted. The time span has been mentioned it’s 3 months. I guess they could have kidnapped William in that time.

Bernard and Dolores/Charlotte both left the island together with the Delos rescue team. At some point after that they went to a place Arnold owned and created a body for Delores. Presumably Bernard would have had to remove Dolores’ marble from Hale’s body and then activate Dolores. Since then Bernard has gone kookoo

Were they awake or just reprogammed by Maeve? I never got the impression that Hector was completely sentient.

William is still alive when Dolores/Charlotte leaves the island

It didn’t work out well for Matt Reynolds.

Does she want to rule on her own terms or punish humanity by enslaving them? 

Hard to say Netflix has already shown it’s willing to throw money at a show initially and then discard them after 2 seasons if they don’t get enough views.

The person in Charlottes head seems very timid and unsure how to act it’s either somebody who is actually like that or Dolores has limited parts of their processes. If it was William or even James Delos in there then Dolores would take advantage of their ruthlessness and abilities to run the company and turn some of

The hosts in the valley are protected from humans because Dolores is the only one who knows where the data is stored. That doesn’t mean Dolores doesn’t have access to them. My out there hot take is that Dolores reprogrammed one of the marbles with the identity of Maeve’s daughter which is her secret weapon to use

The only issue I see with Serac being a projection of Rehoboam is why he would need to stop Dolores? You would think the enslavement of humanity in some kind of Matrix thingy would work for both parties.

If you see Tulips it’s that Dutch place. If they have gay beer and alcoves it’s Belgium.

The Wire was the first show I saw which made it a plot point. The 2nd season is from 2002-2003 and the cops are monitoring the bad guys cell phones but are thwarted when they switch to this new thing called a “text message .

There was a magazine in the 50s called Confidential that liked to out Hollywood actors and they were all set to put Hudson on the cover in 55 which resulted in the studio forcing him to get married. While it wasn’t “reported” there were plenty of innuendo in trashy mags like “What Will Rock Confess to his Bride”:

I guess you never went to a motel in the 70s bathroom sunlamps were all the rage probably based on people seeing them in 60s Rock Hudson movies.

I’m sure he’s just trolling but the jack boxes were hard wired rather than modular so it didn’t make sense to have the box in the bathroom with all that humidity.