
They were still used in a few rural areas into the early 90s if you were remote.

Erik Dellums was so good as Luther Mahoney I never understood why he didn’t get much work after that until I realized he’s 6'7"

I remember liking the 2 parter where Kellerman returns as a PI I think that was season 7. I did think the movie was quite good minus Jason Priestley.

They both have the female detective being the one who can’t stomach the detectives illegal activity and she goes to the bosses to rat them out.

The song thing isn’t a good example

Those public domain photos weren’t hanging above the founder’s mantle. Marlboro didn’t have to worry about lawsuits over their logo they hired an Ad company to create the photos.

The way she was rolling up her sleeves I definitely thought she was going to punch Jimmy in the face.

What about 50's rockin icon Johnny Hallyday?

I didn’t really see it as strictly a heel turn he did it to protect Kim from herself. The idea that she was willing to pay Acker 30 grand to ease her conscience was crazy and I doubt Acker would have accepted anyway.

What are the flaws in the copyright claim? That actually seemed reasonable they didn’t spell it out but I assume what Kim saw in the break in photos was a number on the photo next to the signature which meant it was a print and not the original so they had no right to use it as a logo. The commercials made no sense it

I really didn’t think this was just a heel turn by Jimmy that he was doing only because he was selfish. He’s also trying to protect Kim from herself paying 30 grand out of her own pocket is a bad idea. She doesn’t seem cut out to work at a firm like that she should be working for a non profit that helps poor people.

Yes the other world is the Valley Teddy is there as well

It doesn’t absolutely rule it out though. Dolores is the one who is in control of the Valley she may have the ability to access it and copy or remove someone’s code. I’m imagining later in the season when Maeve comes gunning for her Dolores will use the daughter to mess with Maeve.

Thanks troll

Yeah that’s quite the zinger coming from a troll who’s been self isolating for years.

That’s a pretty weak comment even for you try again.

Still pushing the drug testing angle even though it wasn’t true?

David Bowie had sex with at least 2 14 year olds probably many more

It’s something you try once when you’re young and dumb but beyond that no chance. I like ice fishing in -30 as long as there’s a stove in the shack and I can park my truck close by and drive to a motel at the end of the day.

I was fascinated with the arcade game Xenophobe when it came out but I was terrible at it. Finally when Mame came out I was able to master it and play it through although I was bummed to find there was no boss xeno to fight