
It was clear watching the preview that “Hello Ladies “ was going to be a maudlin shitfest but Avenue 5 looked promising

You see him among the survivors before the credits for a second

The preview for the next episode showed Dolores schooling a very confused Charlotte on how to act it could be one of the other marbles she had or they could have started from scratch. They obviously have a facility where they rebuilt Dolores’ body

I never understood why Lindberg’s flight was considered such a big deal the first flight across the Atlantic was 8 years earlier his was just the first solo flight

You’re correct that’s just my impression. There was no point including him in the show at all he just seems really eager to crap all over his dad for reasons unrelated to the crime when his mother never said a negative word about her ex Jerry.

I question your timeline on her standing by her words. Initially when they saw how much it was going to cost them they were apologizing as hard as they could until a year or 2 later when the public opinion shifted on Bush.

She was kinda hot

Yeah the need for “fresh” shrimp in a dish where it is deep fried seems questionable.

I agree you did say what you say doesn’t mean he’ll get executed


Well where he is is in California so not much chance of getting the death penalty

I could understand Raj world and Samurai world for British and Japanese Billionaires but who was Klondike world supposed to appeal to? Rich Canadians who enjoy freezing their balls off digging for gold?

I’ll check it out for Beastmode but first sign of a 2nd timeline and I’m bailing

Hope in 1 hand crap in the other guess which one fills up first

I kinda felt bad for all the employees at Simon Marketing going out of business but the people in charge started the whole thing and as a Canadian they screwed me out of a chance to win a million which was what triggered Jacobson in the first place.

10 creams and 5 sugars in their coffee they should be in jail just for that lol

Took me a couple of months of winter driving to learn the benefits of hiting the gas when going sideways in a curve in my awd. About half that time to realize I couldn’t stop worth a damn.

The correct move is to ditch it into a pallet of dog food

I can’t remember the article but it was about a rookie player who lived with Barkley his first year in Philly and how Charles used to fill his car up with food from the supermarket and give it away to the homeless every week.

Yeah the previous incantation always seemed to try and get Random Roles off the page within a few hours