
I loved how he mentioned Del Grande and David Cronenberg working on the same show because Del Grande is the explodin head guy from Scanners

After having watched all the episodes I’d recommend the finale for anyone who really doesn’t want to watch because it’s stuff that is not covered in the original article and really added an interesting end to the story.

It seemed like a pretty odd decision by Simon Marketing to use a woman as a shadow for Jerry if they’re really never supposed to leave each others sight. What was the plan for bathrooms?

They had previously said that the winning game piece was in their freezer it’s unclear what the circumstances actually were for them not being in on the money. It’s pretty obvious Robin was already aware of what her mother in law did long before being interviewed.

J Glomb was my favourite of all these people just a likable completely unrepentant criminal

The decision to make a deal with Jerry seems foolish 37 months for $24 million in fraud looks really bad but I imagine the FBI’s overall goal was to make sure nobody who was in on it got to keep any money as a deterrent to others. Jerry’s scumbag son is probably right though I’m sure he hid plenty of cash the feds

It’s too stupid a show to pay full attention to but I think they’ve already used that gimmick more than twice on Fear the Walking Dead

C’mon how could Stephanie not be evil?

What he said

He’s a good example there was nothing in the article that mentioned what a complete nutbag Matthews is.

It’s pretty standard for him

They didn’t walk out last week before Ronan said anything.

Here’s a line that sums it up:

They were only digging in the wrong place because Indy prevented them from getting the headpiece

Only 7 comments this week you might end up being the only commenter soon

If I was looking for an Uber I’d absolutely go with him.

They are shit now but before 2016 when they changed the chocolate they were great

Much preferable to that year a drunken Kiefer Sutherland came over and tackled our Christmas Tree

Who’s this Adam Drive guy?

Other than the few top college stars they poached it was pretty much the same. The first couple of years there were a lot of retired CFL guys who signed and did quite well.