
Apparently he had the right to do it. It had been previously done in 1946 and 1978 and underwent a supreme court challenge at that time. I couldn’t find any information on the time frame for the last time but this time there was 50 days to deposit your old currency which would seem more than enough time for criminals

The Governor would have to do it and he’s not a Republican

Yes that’s the purpose of bankruptcy

Yeah you’re right the pool party was definitely a planned job. The truck heist like most of Mike’s kills was him reacting to someone else trying to kill him.

The women’s team members are guaranteed $100k per year win or lose that is one of the main differences that US Soccer likes to use as an excuse for the different pay levels.

Unfortunately that isn’t the reality the USWNT has lost a game to 15 year old boys team in the past

Gus invites Walter over for dinner. There are toys in the background as well as a kids table. Gus also talks about his kids to Hank’s boss when they have dinner. It might be true or it might just be more of Gus’ discipline with is fake identity.

I’m trying to think if he has actually ever outright killed anyone for money.

Gus said Werner stole 2 keys of product. The product is meth. Hector was bring meth into the US in ice cream trucks before Mike tried to frame him. There’s a scene with Don Eladio where it’s pointed out that Gus’ meth operation makes more profit than Hector’s.

Yeah Gus might be gay but that was more in keeping with Hector’s inability to imagine 2 men having that close a bond without being gay that actual proof.

Still he was pretty clear when Gus was taunting Hector that his entire family was dead so he must have been dead by then. He wasn’t at the pool party so he would have to be out of the picture by that point.

The 80s was 30-40 years ago

Every passenger who hasn’t been in a Tesla before would want to try Ludicrous mode

If you’re doing 200-400 mile highway trips per day most vehicles will have very little maintenance it’s not comparable to the wear and rear of city driving

If somebody tries to start an awkward conversation with you, which would be pretty bold, you can remind them that nobody was tipping you for your hard work all night”

I’ve always tipped the staff like I would if I were a decent customer, 15-20%.”

Salty’s position is that even if they’re making a $15 minimum wage you should still tip 20% because ya know they deserve to have nice things

Sorry I’m not a bible thumper I was merely being pedantic over the language being used. But if you’re asking me it’s a sin because they believe that killing a fetus is a the same as killing a person. It’s not a complicated issue.

Bit of a stretch if you want to lump misogyny under the banner of bigotry

Uncle Fucker from the South Park Movie