
The ending was a bit of a bummer

Calling abortion a sin isn’t bigoted it isn’t racist and it isn’t homophobic

Calling abortion a sin isn’t bigoted it isn’t racist and it isn’t homophobic

The church being a bigoted, racist, homophobic institution has nothing to do with calling abortion a sin.

I got shadow banned during the Women’s World cup hot take fest

“Lots of things don’t taste the same once you freeze them and unthaw them”

Even with all the top notch gratuitous nudity Magic City was still unwatchable

To Poppie my favorite couch pee-er. They probably can’t publish what

Revealing yourself as a remorseless butter eating monster isn’t a good first date strategy maybe leave that for date 3

If there’s an attractive Asian woman in a show they’re fans

Coates seems like a reasonably good character actor but this seems exactly like the kind of part he would normally take rather than some great casting.

This was the episode when I stopped watching there was so much hype for this series especially this episode with Costner and Spielberg directing. I think it went 2 years because of the huge guarantee it got but it was getting beat in the ratings by MacGuyver.

I rarely check the greys why do you spend so much time talking about them?

You seem to be using “It’s going to take a long time to make this work” as a reason to do nothing

It’s like the movie Snowpiercer even the guy who ate a baby was horrified to find out his protein bar was made of bugs

When she told him she couldn’t feel her leg he told her to shake it off. If she had broken it and fallen that piece of shit wouldn’t have carried her like he did when she won.

Paul McCartney was 20 when he wrote that what is there to explain?

The pope was a Nazi too cut the kid some slack

I thought that eliminated all the creepiness

The Fast and Furious movies aren’t about testosterone fueled maco adventures of machismo they’re about...Family