
Wasn’t he the one who only got elected because of deals his father made with the Mafia?

It was nice since it’s better to be polite and nice when you’re full of shit than to be a jerk. Cool to know the rubber overalls were Armani though.

Not me I saw Snowpiercer 7 years ago

That’s not true the author is just making stuff up because of his golden retriever love in reality both dogs are ridiculously over engineered and expensive

Are you upset that she was nominated for Best Actress instead of Best Actor?

Far as I know you’re too late I spent a couple of years trying to get out of the greys at Deadspin but it was hopeless. Extreme flattery towards one of the occasional writers who actually check comments seems like the only possible route

Also because he let that bear have sex with him

That was the best part it was a priceless diamond and ruby brooch but it just ended up looking like a shitty sweat suit logo

It’s for the next generation that have had a phone since they were 5 they can’t survive for 45 seconds without stimuli

He was the only funny thing in that movie

Other than the shower scene I don’t recall anything overly problematic plus it had anti bullying and anti racist themes as well.

He said he was sorry

Great then we agree

I always wonder if it is actually sexism or bad experiences for servers. Maybe he’s had several women order Bourbon and then ask for a refund because it was too strong.

What about the angry Puerto Rican couple who steal Kramer’s armoire?

I’m willing to concede that it was a tad harsh and perhaps mildly dickish if you concede that you’re being far too protective of a professional who was paid a lot of money and should have done what was required for the job.

But it was a male writer so it’s automatically a terrible thing

The lead singer of Boston wasn’t living in his car because he had a job and a house

The lead singer of Boston wasn’t living in his car because he had a job and a house

Razor blades are made of stainless steel and chromium