
I’m guessing it’s a situation that has been going on since they moved in

Once she bangs the gavel she can do whatever she wants the trial was over

You are correct it’s so you can move on from this horrible tragedy rather than letting it consume you

Sounds like they would have closed anyway if they had been billed properly

I saw it on TV in the late 70s when they released it as the Godfather Saga and took all the flashbacks from Part 2 and showed everything in chronological order along with a few deleted scenes the best one being Michael has Fabrizio tracked down years later in Buffalo and they car bomb him

Nice tip I guess I need to check out the Conformist

Using that logic shouldn’t Vito have put together the puzzle pieces about Paulie’s absence?

Yeah when he says OK to Al I think he knows it’s his last trip. I also get the feeling that he didn’t start praying because Al suddenly announced “Hey Fredo I’m gonna put one in the back of your skull”. On a side note I’d just like to mention how great it is seeing movies in HD. I used to watch this movie on VHS on a

He didn’t betray him he’s just incompetent. Vito’s regular bodyguard betrayed him when he called in sick

Billy Jack sounds a lot cooler than it really is

It definitely had a bearing on it since he was an undertaker it’s a much easier decision for the baker to make it’s a lot harder for him to imagine some evil favor that he would be forced into doing.

The premise that the Godfather had such political power is somewhat implausible

Sounds like an odd Crash rip off. Cronenberg not the shitty one that won an Oscar

Fear the etc. etc. has been a shitty dumpster fire without Glen hiding under it since season 1 I can’t imagine AMC will do any better with this. Maybe drop the zombies angle and just make it about teens waking up one day and finding their phones no longer work.

It’s hard to say it’s not like the Soviets cared about the moon once they weren’t first I’m not sure if the US could justify the cost after all the money spent in Vietnam and the other economic issues in the 70s

Good to see you followed the most important rule of cinnamon roll making: no damn raisins!

Your riffing needs work

Alligators would eat the occasional kid but yes you would need Crocodiles and you’d probably want to design some kind of cool uniform for the crocs to wear as well

Man you ruined it when you changes bees to wasps

It’s not precedent setting Justin Bieber, Silverchair and the Hansons were all younger than her and Avril Levigne was 18 about 6 months older