
Mostly because it is. The league provided all the numbers on this last year and there was nobody disputing it least of all Reid but the media likes the story so much they prefer to go with the lie.

The key to a stupid movie is to keep it short around 100 minutes this one is way too long

Not back then those were some high end shit

Its not that complicated she could have been 13 when she had Jason Statham I’m sure there’s a woman out there who has kids 30 years apart

Jason Momoa was doing it on his Aquaman tour and the Rock has done it in a couple of movies

You are wrong and you’ve simply twisted your facts to suit your beliefs even if there is some racial bias in the way it’s been handled. By the way the Becky who cried and the rest of the athletes in the race had accepted that they would never beat Semenya it wasn’t until after the Chand ruling that 2 other intersex

There are other sex differences that make men faster than women T is just the biggest one. 

That might be true if Nyonsaba and Wambui the silver and bronze medalists weren’t also intersex and effected by the new regulation

Samantha Carter was and Astrophysicist and an engineer as was Rodney McKay

It’s not targeted at her it’s targeted at the distances 800m and 400m Testosterone has no effect on longer races

What kind of non drug alternative do you suggest?

And remember, people can have a normal sex life if they do receive a diagnosis of herpes.

There is no requirement to be a male to enter a men’s event they are open competitions

Her extremely high testosterone level and her athletic ability doesn’t really leave any other possibilities

It might but other than the 800m in which the 3 medal winners at the last Olympics would all qualify there aren’t that many athletes out there.

Most track experts think Semenya is running slower than she can because breaking the record would put more negative publicity on her.

Her testosterone level is 4-5 times higher than the allowable range


Up yours “The Dutch” was the best joke in the entire series

Most female leads are taller than their male counterparts