
Not really Creed pile up the points in the early rounds the judges made the correct decision.

His skillset he was basically the guy who first combined all the disciplines used today in MMA. He knew Bruce well and trained with him he also thought Chuck Norris would kill Bruce in a real fight.

Apparently one of the Manson girls left a pair of men’s sunglasses at the scene to throw people off and Roman at some point heard Bruce say he lost his sunglasses. He became obsessed with the idea Bruce was involved.

Why would you think otherwise? But if you want an example Gene Lebell would have kicked his ass.

Too many other interesting movies? Not these days

Well that’s kind of the point Bruce Lee has been mythologized into the best fighter ever and a lot of people don’t buy it

Must be somehow connected to Lena Dunham

I wouldn’t refer to an agreed upon fight in which both combatants agree to not punch in the face as an act of violence.

I wasn’t sure about that. We know something happened on the Green Hornet set that made him persona non grata. When he’s on the roof if he’s imagining it then why would he say what he did after? I took it as more of a flashback.

2 There were not but is that really a thing?

I wouldn’t mock your opinion if you’d actually seen the movie but you’re being an idiot

I thought it was a reflection on what people remember about Tate. She is famous because of her murder but nobody remembers anything about her she was only in a couple of minor films. Her life ended before she got a chance to say anything.

I still don’t know why they shot out all those windows

The history of lottery winners isn’t on your side

You’re living in the past Cholesterol isn’t a bad thing anymore

e coli is not exclusive to meat it’s the result of poor sanitary conditions in the processing plant

If you took a 3 year old to a concert the usher put you in the correct section

There’s very little proof that the fake ones are healthier

It’s surprising how well that seems to work in European soccer

I liked the article but the airplane vignette really sounds made up