
When was he ahead the Men’s team doesn’t play against high school teams

Freddy Quimby : Its Chowdah 

It might help if she wasn’t soaking wet when she’s doing massages

Especially when there is a set of stairs right next to the escalator. 

Finestra snorts a line of coke and then reacts as if the cocaine was made up of fire ants and ghost chili

It’s only the B vitamins that change the color

How so? He didn’t direct the slur at Hunt who I don’t even think is gay.

Do you understand the difference between a cold and the flu? 

If there is an infraction on both teams then the kick is retaken

More than one 

Star players all have their own doctors KD did. He made this decision based on several doctors opinions. 

He did in fact both the team and Durant had 2nd opinions on top of their primary physicians but that doesn’t fit the stupid take Deadspin is trying to push. 

Fine I wasn’t aware of that other than she recently got married. 

I’m sure she has to put up with worse on the job. I was watching a couple of weeks ago and right before a commercial break she suddenly stood up from her chair as the cameraman began a tracking type shot around the studio and ended up focused on her sweet sweet rump. I’d be mighty surprised if it wasn’t planned out in

So how exactly is casting a straight woman to play a gay man better than casting a straight man? If Scarlett Johansson can’t play a trans person how is this different?

I miss HBO

I didn’t miss the point at all I just don’t accept your worldview that everything is about race

Damn I really wanted it to be a blumpkin

I can’t imagine that’s true PBC rarely puts on a competitive fight. I don’t belive the ratings are any good

Cut him a little slack he’s a dirty uneducated Gypsy after all. Maybe now that he has indoor plumbing he might learn something about the world