
Will you fuck off with that “the only brown character” shit!

As long as they bring Syrio back because there’s no way he actually died the way that scene was written.

It seemed to follow an arc for me even though he is in love with Brienne Jaimie realizes after sleeping with her that all he wants is Cersei.

Arya has to kill a queen next week she can’t be killing all the queens

It’s women’s softball every other team has a pitcher who throws like that and they can pitch almost every day without any arm problems. It’s an incredibly boring sport of 1-0 games

That’s what I was wondering. How many copies exist with the sticker over the original image and is there a way to remove it or is it likely ruined by the sticker.

There’s also a scene in S4 ep 1 right after Qyburn fits Jaimie’s gold hand. Qyburn asks her if her symptoms have abated and she replies “gone completely I’m in your debt” . When Jaimie asks what symptoms? She replies “symptoms which are none of your concern”. It certainly seemed to me that Cersei was pregnant and

I was thinking dwarf

He could give her the old Mike Hammer 

As long as the end result of all this time travel jibber jabber is that Uncle Ben is still alive I’ll be happy. The Spiderman series needs another portrayal of his death.

There was a scene when Jaimie first got back to King’s Landing where it was implied that Qyburn helped her with aborting a pregnancy that might have been Lancel’s.

Pfft if it was a real Chinese movie they’d all be chain smoking unfiltered cigarettes

Ballistas not ships. Ships are much faster to build Euron built 1000 in 6 weeks

Everything about his behaviour suggests he has no great ending

They only showed 12 ships in that attack. Add another dozen or so rigs on top of King’s Landing means they made about 30 in the month or so since the money train nothing unreasonable about that. The arrowhead also looked significantly different than Qyburn’s original design so that could account for the improvement in

They made the right call. The players actions nullified waving off the offside so no goal. They could have thrown in a “too many men” penalty but they rarely call that if the puck isn’t in the area. It’s different than the chickenshit NFL rule where Aaron Rodgers gets a free play every time he snaps it while the 12th

She passed every steroid test she took too

Never dress up for special occasions at a fancy restaurant

There is a possible racist angle but it’s a small one. It’s only in under developed countries that this condition goes unnoticed. In the West the testicles are removed before puberty because of the cancer risk so it’s unlikely that any white women will burst on the scene with this genetic anomaly.