
You should probably get there early it also says they are available on a first come first serve basis likely meaning they will run out before the day is over

You should probably get there early it also says they are available on a first come first serve basis likely meaning they will run out before the day is over

An important note is that the woman pictured who came in second has publically admitted that she has the same condition as Semenya

Trans athletes are currently allowed to compete the only stipulation is that you can’t have the testosterone level of a man so it’s not headed anywhere.

The world record holder was a Czech in the 80s who quite likely also was 46XY and was also a huge drug cheat. The next 2 fastest times in the 800m also likely were 46XY as well. Semenya has the 4th fastest time. Semenya’s most recent win last week in the Diamond league was her 30th win in a row in those competitions.

The whole point is that she has a condition that in of itself does confer on her a specific advantage. The 3 medallists at the last Olympics in the 800m all have the same condition.

I like that she uses the rebuttal of “it’s not” several times with a link to a previous Deadspin article that has no facts in it either.

I wouldn’t say I had sympathy for Lars but I understood why he was so upset. They had just spent 5 years suing their label to get out of a really shitty contract and right when they won was when Napster blew up. I certainly wasn’t bothered by anything he said.

I recall really wanting to get the song Cat People by Bowie and then after buying Let’s Dance found out that the album version was done by Stevie Ray Vaughn and the movie version was only available on the soundtrack album which was 20 bucks and featured that song and 9 instrumentals. I kept hoping it would show up on

Much like CDs since 1999 I’m not really buying it. Even if they had come up with a copy protection to prevent sharing music streaming was inevitable. The entire industry was already moving to lowest common denominator music with boy bands and pre fab music. Giant media companies bought up all the independent radio

Thriller is still top seller worldwide what’s surprsing is that Hotel California is #3

How about Borscht on expensive clothing?

Sounds like the wife should be nicer to her husband

The fact that it says the plaintiff suffered severe burns instead of 2nd or 3rd degree etc. sounds to me like they didn’t require medical attention.

If she had spent the night with Tormund and then left in the morning he would have blubbered just as loud.

Going with Thanos’ plan would probably be easier and most likely cause fewer deaths.

The media has done a terrible job of reporting the issues in this story. 

I disagree all Tormund needs to do is put in enough time and hard work in the friendzone and eventually she will realize what a great guy he is.

Ghost has been a dick most of the show. He comes and goes as he pleases hardly ever there when Jon really needed him might as well have been a fucking cat.