Hebrew Hammer

It also means you’re delegitimizing the 44th white prez....

Definite false flag

Already missed that chance

“so that we can work to unify this country” — it’s dishonest, partial quote bullshit liked this that stoked the ire of trump’s base

“Yeah, but did Curiousity find Buzz Aldrin’s flag?”

Switch Russia with Iran and that’s how we view the Iran deal. I know no Republican that supports Russia (Trump included). I do think that Putin is stronger willed than Obama, but I’d say the same thing about Hitler. That shouldn’t be equated with “supporting” those murderous dictators .

And I assume you’re equally alarmed by a burned up GOP outpost in NC and a VP who openly said he wants to batter a presidential nominee.

Solid strawman. Is there any proof that Powell knew he was lying? Everything I've seen suggests the administration (at the urging of dick) overly relied on non-credible sources.

Just got back to this. You had me at head of Bush’s FEMA; we all know that ended well. But yes, Ben Rhodes—a mildly educated man whose influence far outstrips his experience.

*Not a monolith.

You do know that the one of Obama’s key guys is a creative writing major with 0 real world experience, right?

Don't worry, FLOTUS started a Twitter campaign!

You're kidding me, right? An informed contrarian would have noted that the videos weren't taken on the worst day of the riots. Try again.

They also have something like 1/10 the population.

She has 0 qualifications to do anything you've suggested other than majority leader. The fact that 17 others have liked your idiotic and uninformed opinion is a testament to the stupidity of the American public.

Blatantly potter


Drastic imbalance between the attention on this and the attention paid to a former Sec State who allowed classified material to be secreted off so she could avoid fucking FOIA....and then spent months lying about it?!? This shooting was bad, so keep pushing it, but Christ

Come to Baltimore, there's over 200 unfilled positions

You're on to something with the NASCAR drivers as athletes thing. Deadspin should do a take down on this; its in line with their ideology and complete bullshit. Give me a couple of adderral and I can sweat bumper to bumper with anyone for 400 miles.