Hebrew Hammer

A- Still wouldn’t be criminal

Thought he was one of the good ones....

Why is it more notable that he assaulted women of color?

Nicotine, eat healthy, avoid adderal

Dancing on a pin head there, no?

It's journalistic malpractice not to note that the fist is also a symbol of the black supremacist movement

Hillary (or the U.S. for that matter) “did” the Arab Spring in the same way I “did” a map of the human genome. We both happened to be alive when it happened.

Poverty shaming is so ‘99 you asshat.

Well put

As much as it sucks, 3k is a lotta distance. Even though you were willing to move, still tough odds. Sure it sucks, but at least you're 9 months ahead of where'd be had you stayed together and subsequently split. Keep ya head up

Don't forget Spiro Agnew

But Eric Garner was allowed to tell police to fuck off.

I just listened to the audio, I withdraw my star. She's an idiot.

Not a state by state thing, and would you feel comfortable resisting the arrest BEFORE a judge rules on whether it was lawful?

The fact that this is being criticized is some booty.

Guy is a shit bag but structuring is one bullshit crime. Literally get jail time for withdrawing your own cash. Some booty.

Uhh, clients are equally guilty in the U.S? The article suggests they aren't.

Valid point, but I think you’re average NFL fan equates “restructuring” with spreading the same money out over time/bonus as it relates to a Tom Brady, etc. and pay cut as it relates to most others.

Is dick really the right word?

Holy shit he's ugly