Hamilton Porter

I was furious when the Browns traded away Trent Richardson for a 2nd round pick after they had just used a first on him.

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

That’s ridiculous, but why would you want to go listen to Greg Hardy speak anyway?

+1 anonymous harassment filing to your employer

Welp. fantasy sports players are requesting selfies with @darrenrovell.

The Kings really are fucked, but they’ve been in town for 30 years so at least we know it wasn’t by the mayor.

Please do Vin Diesel next.

What if it’s a lumberjack funeral. They die too, you know. If a tree falls in the woods and kills a lumberjack, will your list fall on deaf ears? You know nothing of the plight of the mourning lumberjack.

I don’t think nonplussed means what you think it means.

I doubt we’ve seen the last of that heel.

Actually, there’s a good reason why bands and other celebrities put those in their contracts. If they’re at an event or venue, and the event/venue pays attention and carries through with those little things, then odds are they have followed the other things to the letter and the band/celebrity will not have every

Clearly, FedEx Field should've been a dome.

probably because of that big fuckin black shape in front of his face

Jesus Christ, that’s even worse than a Cars for Kids commercial.

Schiff: [watching conclusion of NLDS] Well, shit. I guess that settles it.

Leave it to Israel to zero in on an old school shanty.

Still a better use of his time than what he had to do for 11 hours yesterday.

Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.

I propose a new interface to mail composition windows: body on top, then subject line, then addressee box(es).