
I haven’t seen an overreaction this bad over a pair of cartoon eyes since my mom said Droopy the dog was “obviously on drugs.”

Simmer down BrunerBrunerToo. No one is talking about “rejecting” anyone. It’s great that fear has forced you all to finally give a damn about people darker shades than you (although I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts you people don’t actually care, but lets not confuse the argument). Welcome. Only thing is, you

She’s a black woman, who also happens to be straight. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about this, or where to direct my outrage. Hopefully someone will tell me.

“(America is the metaphor, you see, and some white Americans have realized it’s not as great as they thought.)”

There is nothing “odd” about what she’s saying. I know it doesn’t fit into the political agenda here, but it isn’t odd. And when she claims the number is 98%, she was in the league a good while. I trust her opinion over, say, yours.

he’s not a free agent yet. That’s moot. You’re talking free agency. Where he’s at right now doesn’t matter in your 30 mil scenario.

why are all you guys seemingly so angry about this? The guy NEEDED a change of scenery. Not only is he not even playing hard for Sacramento, it’s a toxic situation for him mentally. While the Kings are fucked up (and no, I’m not saying they have HIS best interests in mind), everyone should be happy about this trade.

And surely did not “Rob” another of a cell phone.

so...i don’t watch a ton of UFC...but i feel as though the ref could have stopped that at least three haymakers sooner.

So the police officer who just witnessed this act of violence was surrounded by a mob of people who also just witnessed this act of violence. Am I fucking reading this right?

I sent this to my deaf brother, and he told me to eat shit and die.

Levine’s undoubtedly an asshole of epic proportions, and this press conference all but assured that Betances will be gone when FA hits.

im rthe rat from the video

McCain was captured. And I’m not referring to his wartime military service.

I mean, he could have paid it himself and have the city spend $200m+ on say, education?

I don’t know. Just spitballing here.

lol. I’m a Knicks fan. Dolan is a complete clown and has mishandled just about every situation over the last 15 years. And he’s in a shitty band. Fuck him. But, you can’t call him a racist if he didn’t do a racist thing.

All jokes aside...green is maybe over reacting here? I’d imagine if a retired employee of a company returned to corporate functions from time to time and during these times audibly and openly criticized the owner of said company I imagine that person wouldn’t be welcome back??? Not sure if that mentality is ‘slave

Yeah, he’d be mocked, because he called someone racist who didn’t do anything racist. That’s worthy of mockery.

You’re saying this based on the fact that Bernie endorsed Ellison but I’ve been following this race and a) the ideological difference between Ellison and Perez is much smaller than you think, despite the endorsements, and b) the DNC chair doesn’t set the ideological tone of the party anyway—it’s an organizing and