something something books and covers
something something books and covers
meh. You’ll still watch.
they probably deleted the other accounts you created to follow yourself
thank you
nah. He’s been fucking around on her with road beef for years. She most likely found out finally or just had enough.
cause it sucked
yay. More hypocritical stances and hopefully she can keep plagiarizing Christine Brennan. What a gal.
guys, MotorcyleRider has four followers on Kinja so he/she thinks their life has meaning now.
the people there epitomize passive aggressiveness
sounds like your insta feed is full of white people anyway then... maybe that’s something you should work on, not them
lived in Colorado for 7 years and went on many hikes in Wyoming and skiing a few times in Jackson Hole. Been to Iceland three times (twice for work). They’re not really alike. Both are great places to visit.
no matter how right he is, I will always find it disturbing when parents coach and invoke their children in protests or political arguments... and no doubt that’s what happened here. People who use children for their gain go fuck themselves.
so it’s the best part of Europe?
well then make better unions. Until then, I won’t be in one.
at least one of your statements in this comment isn’t true. I don’t know which, but you’re either exaggerating how much you travel, or you’re lying about either lowering or raising the shade.
yeah, it is, even without the cheat code. I’m by no stretch a gamer, but I do remember beating Ikari Warriors without the cheat code when I was a kid. Maybe it took me 37 total hours THEN, which means no way should it take a guy of this skill level that long.
this is why Taylor Swift has such a massive following... it’s the “you’re either 100% with me on everything, or you’re my enemy” line of thinking.
someone takes sports a little too seriously
meh. Really don’t care. But keep on paying attention to this bullshit while the real stuff is happening in your front yard.
you mean the family he constantly ignored so he could play video games and stream himself? They’re definitely better off without him.