Do you ever cover interesting stories?
Do you ever cover interesting stories?
just stop
That’s fine, but I think OP was responding to the fact that Ethan seems offended by Nintendo’s use of the meme. I agree with OP that Ethan is taking it too seriously. Meme’s are meant to be reused, and clearly other large corporations had repurposed this meme before Nintendo did. I also think it is a huge stretch…
Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.
Context. Jim is saying the fact that people will define his career partially by his academic intelligibility (Which lets face it, we will.) is a bad thing. He’s complaining that we didn’t appreciate what he’s done in his life.
Yeah, not to get off topic, but Cabrera (who I like, overall) is darn lucky his drinking & fight with his spouse happened in the era (i.e, before the last 3-4 years, certainly everything post Ray Rice) before league’s seriously started cracking down on such things. Illitch’s support of Cabrera certainly seems to have…
Weird, I watched the videos and it shows them asking him to leave then him swinging on people. I am pretty sure it makes him look bad.
I understand the joke is in bad taste, but also think it’s a little disingenuous for a guy who stubbornly hurt his team for much of last season by not changing position now thinks it appropriate to associate himself with one of the best human beings to ever pick up a glove.
yeah man luxury suites are a tough life
What do you mean? Those box seats at the Super Bowl, which is about as good as it gets.
You root for some random ass teams.
Bernie would’ve won.
You need to take OBJr right off of that list.
“great numbers, bad teammate.”
If anything, I’m saying it’s his own damn fault if he gets called for a foul on a flop.
At this point it doesn’t even matter if he’s doing it anymore. He’s earned the reputation, so anyone that wants to flop and sell it well can get an easy trip (no pun intended) to the foul line.
The opposite of a cocky asshole would be a self-conscious that what Sage looks like to you?
Funny how no one ever boycotted over the much more egregious list you put here though. Nah, totally cool to do all that horrible shit. But be a part of Trump’s council and THAT’S the boycott-worthy offense? So ridiculous.
shady business practices, screwing over drivers, ignoring regulations
Counterpoint: no they don’t.