
Dude is wearing a blazer and tie and you’re giving him shit about form. I couldn’t even defend a three in a sport coat (cue Chris Farley music).

I just want to make sure, we are doing all our official business via Twitter now, right?

You got it. People of conscience and patriotism should stay clear, and the only people who should be in the military now are those who are 1000% on board with Trumpistan, so when the military is called forth to preserve the autocrat’s power, they’ll be fully staffed with those who have no issues with firing on

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

Weird. Not a Trump supporter, but I just look at my Charles Schwab account to see how market growth benefits me. I’d assume some of them do the same.

Nobody knows what the heck that stock market will do next.

Day 66: Still crying.

Let me guess, you are fresh out of college?

“They need us for the money.”

This notion that a place like Oregon (4 out of 10 voters went Trump) is so much more enlightened than some “backwater” place like Ohio (5 of 10 for Trump) is silly and not to be taken seriously.

Also, Deadspin went down to Ted Fucking Cruz

Well, you dumb fuck, as a former Chargers fan who is divorcing the NFL currently, I understand why it’s important that the Packers shareholders own their own team. Instead of Alex Spanos’ dissolute progeny. It’s not a trivial consideration at all, it’s just that you don’t get it.

You are a judgmental condescending prick - how “intelligent” and “liberal” of you categorizing “white America” as rednecks and “Toby Keith”.. you are too much of a fool to realize that this faux progressive judgmental far left bullshit is what got you Trump in the first place, you fool.

I loathe Trump with the fire of a thousand burning suns, and it sickens me he’s in a position of power, but the day I give a shit what the pro athletes of my teams think in terms of politics is the day I stop watching sports. These guys ain’t smart or worldly, that’s not why I watch them.

What an odd headline, Lindsey. Belichcick is always accused of being arrogant but the first thing he says when they win the game is “We have a great group of players.” He even appeared, dare I say it, emotional.

Actually you put a negative connotation on working at McDonald’s. So I’m gonna need you to explain that better.

well now I’m intrigued. Tell me more about you. Do you normally believe that all people who work fast food jobs are shitstains? Is it because of the job, or because you believe they’re poor? Probably both right?

like the David Ortiz selfie with Obama to me... just makes you shake your head

Meanwhile Antonio brown is awful and a cancer to the league for violating incredibly stupid league rules and he’s also an embarrassment. I know that because the NFL told me so.

Normally I’d agree with you, but as others pointed out, this is about money from the NFL’s perspective. They don’t even bother covering this up with morals, like they usually do.