Facial reactions and interactions are incredibly important to help ASL viewers determine context and feelings for a statement.
Facial reactions and interactions are incredibly important to help ASL viewers determine context and feelings for a statement.
Cloud gaming will be great... In nations that don’t have a joke that is called infrastructure and/or nations where companies own an oligarchy and overcharge people.
It’s amazing what a skilled person (or people) in makeup can do to a person and change how they look.
Closures like this are never sudden. At least for the decision makers. They would’ve known months ahead of time.
No, we’ve just gone back to 1600 royalty/lord era but with different terms.
Well given that the safety person was outside of the normal union that deals with this stuff, it’s not off the table that the prop gun could’ve been an actual, or modified real gun.
I get all this anger, but in the end it’s Dave Chappelle and he’s not important.
Is he? Is he reeeeeaaaalllly?
I’m thinking more Angry Birds.
This sounds like it’ll be as successful at changing Blizzards image as the Catholic Churches attempts and making people stop thinking they are just a bunch of pedophiles and rapists.
Ha! The US government can barely hold on to what they call democracy, there’s no way Amazon will suffer any penalties for this.
lol they probably spend 10 times that shadow funding lobby groups to make sure they continue to pay negative taxes.
I mean the US can’t even protect its democracy from dying, it definitely won’t be able to protect consumer rights.
Something something can’t be legally culpable for the mess I helped perpetuate if I’ve left the company something something.
I don’t play this game, but I find the tone off. It seems like a serious plot but when all the players are grouped like this in what their wearing it looks like visual barf.
Nintendo: Ready to revisit Mario 64 with a plastic toy for $170!?!?!
Do not care about this game at all, but honestly, it seems like these developers REALLY want to make this game and make it good.
Why not one of the parents or the grandpa? lol
Either this guy is a complete asshole or it’s another example of the utter failure of the US in helping people with mental health issues. Some of this guys actions don’t seem.... Normal.
Man, I would quit before I make myself criminally liable for destroying evidence I legally have to keep during a criminal case.