Hamfree Blowhard

Yesterday a news crew in the field came across a group of very desperate looking people who had broken into a church seeking shelter. The de facto spokesperson of the group said very clearly to the reporter “We broke into this church. I take full responsibility for it, and will compensate them. We aren’t stealing

I’m actually kind of surprised he defined this as looting. Those are all white poeple. White people don’t loot. They use their wiley nature to find tools with which to survive. Only black people loot stuff.

In times of trouble and confusion, “Don’t Panic” is always sound advice.

Boxed wine is actually better suited for camping. It’s lighter than glass. Also, once you finish it, the bag inside can be inflated to make a nice pillow.

There’s apparently some kind of stupid disease that overtakes opposing coaches, when they have a chance to put away NE in the SB with simple run plays, and they choose risky passes instead.