hamfisted segue

[9:21 AM] Burneko: On another note, do you like Guacemole? You’re gonna wanna check out my new Guac recipe. I put watermelon in it, and a bay leaf. It’s outta sight my man.

[9:22AM] Kyle: Fucking go fuck yourself.

You really didn’t set up that all that well, in my opinion...your setup of your article was bland, generic and predictable.

Also “Up” (which was directed by the same guy who directed “Inside Out” and which came out a year after “Wall-E”) was a great one.

And you just described dinner at my house when my sister was a pre-teen. Yelling included. She didn’t have food aversions, but would tap things or whatever. My father would yell at her. My mother would yell at him. He would say he was not yelling. I wished I could go live some place else. Luckily, straight talk

I buy the tubes of cookie dough with no intention whatsoever of baking them into actual cookies. I slice off a round and that’s dessert. #unrepentent

When I was deployed to iraq, they served steak every friday. We could smell it being grilled while waiting in line. And thanks to military regulations, they could only serve it well done. It was absolutely awful, and serves only to fuel my rage.

Cookies are joy. I’m trying to figure out why y’all keep murdering joy before it gets a chance to grow up.

This comment is amazing and I forgive you your terrible steak proclivities.

Oh my god! I may be allergic to red! I am one of those people I hate!

Still trying to figure out why you hate joy

Kings gave away first round draft picks, Suns didn’t. It’s not that hard.

Sounds like you have a problem with sucking cock.

Meanwhile, Lakers tryin’ to keep up with the Kings clown car

Sweet baby jesus in his golden fleece diaper... This is a stunning photo.

Bad day for Nork Armor.