hamfisted segue

There are tons of great stories about Iverson never working out and blowing everyone out of the water. My favorite is that he made it a point never to run. Like, ever. Then he gets traded to Denver, and everyone around him shakes their head. “Obviously he’s going to have to do some running workouts to survive in the

that actually sounds like something ron swanson would support lol

Now playing

And he played a character that wanted government funding for a wolves-only highway.

Harden is still hitting 3’s in the offseason.

He has no defense against this picture being taken.

Her shirt is perfect. In this country, we love to surveil people without their consent.

He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.

Nah, used games have a tendency to break.

My grandfather was a marine during WW2, and till the day he died he had nothing but praise for the M1 Garand, and he would talk about how it saved his life thanks to how reliable it was.

However, he said the ping was a huge downside. The enemy figured out the sound meant you had used your last bullet, so it could be a

Captain America: Baby Eater

I hated Snowpiercer. But, you’re right, those kids definitely get eaten by a polar bear.

... and it drives St Louis fans batshit crazy. The world thanks you

“I’ve been asking her out for years and back then she told me she wouldn’t go out with me til she hit the 5 year mark. So I kept count and here we are! I made her keep her promise!”

I gave up french fries last week. Fuck you, CA. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

“And if you pause here, you can actually see his heart break.”

What are the odds that Mr. Sensitive wore a fedora?

The story about the cancer-free anniversary “date” is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. That’s some Ralph Wiggum/Lisa Simpson shit right there.

Which means, historically, at some point somebody was ordered in the heat of battle to load and fire Alfalfa at the enemy.

Did somebody name that gun in the video “Alfalfa?”