hamfisted segue

Are you kidding? Two grand slams and 12 RBI is a fantastic endorsement for the benefits of meth.

Poor product placement.

Not surprised. Derek Fishers are really good at bombing in their debut.

i just don’t feel like this kinda production is sustainable. the kid is overrated now. trade him while you can get good value.

A distinction made where there isn’t a difference.

I implied that it’s a bucket of warm shit.

I felt the exact same thing when I saw that reminder of the Entourage movie.

Starring, in alphabetical order, Yodeling Zeke...

Agreed, but whoever that guy is, he’s no Guppy Troup, which has to be in the Sports Name Hall of Fame.

He’s the rare pitcher who really just works the middle of the plate.

bitch was asking for it.

Dear Prince Shembo,

It’s pretty fucked up that this guy’s being given all the responsibility for this. I mean, just look at how the victim’s dressed.

“NO NO NO! Shembo, you’re being too rough with Dior! YOU HAVE TO PAT HIM NICELY!”

He screwed up. He forgot to have his teammates threaten and harass her until she killed herself.

"who's disgusting baseball chin is this?"

What idiot called it Bark at the Park instead of the Marge Schott Memorial Bring The Bitch Out To The Ballpark Day.

[meat sweats intensify]