hamfisted segue

If you’re having girl problems, I feel bad for you son / I got 99 problems, and they’re all earned runs

I know that it’s Memorial Day and all, but did we really need an interpretive reenactment of the last time the Yankees beat the Royals this badly at the Siege of Yorkton?

Revenge will be difficult, as I’m having a hard time trying to figure out something more disgusting to give her to eat than what she already ordered.

I’ll say this: I used to get a lot of very high-ranking Admirals and Generals on lunch shifts when I worked in Crystal City (right near the Pentagon). Every single one I ever served—without fail—was a great customer—super polite, good tippers, didn’t make a fuss. I know YMMV may vary and all, but my personal

On revenge day, I thought I'd share this order. I work for a delivery company and got this order the other day. I got to her place (a building in which I was fairly sure I was going to get mugged in the elevator) and she giggled the entire time, overall creepy (also I find ranch disgusting). She tipped me 50 cents.

Every single one

RE: the Navy story. The military’s brass really does not like their service members pulling shit like that.

Mark Jackson’s slow-motion laugh is nightmare fuel

Toyota Center turned into Donut Ghost House with all those boos.

He beat a fat piece of shit. Granted, a fat peace of shit that had the balls to get in the ring with this James Bond villain looking motherfucker. I don’t know what I’m supposed to take away from this.

What an idiot. He’s allowed to use his hands.

Seems strange that Kevin McHale didn’t call timeout when the Rockets got the ball back with 8 seconds left.

Hollow point bullets are about then scariest thing in that descriptor. I mean, he’s a predator and an abusive asshole who had HOLLOW POINT BULLETS.

You’re doing it wrong.

$1500 into his 401(k)? Dude’ll never have enough to retire comfortably at that rate.

Rape is included in sexual assault, but is not the same thing. Nobody here is saying that men are not sexually assaulted, or that it’s not a big deal when this happens to them. Someone who attempts to force themselves on a person—such as what happened to you— and fails will probably try again and succeed. That’s why

At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for

If you want to point to a bureaucracy out of control, it has to be the Air Force. Since they know their days of flying planes are numbered with the Drone Air Force taking over, they're going for the whole nine yards with the so-expensive-it-HAS-to-be-great F-35 fustercluck as one last hurrah instead of the A-10, an

Spot on article yet again, Tyler. I'm in the keep the A-10 camp, even with alot out there overstating about its capabilities — But the Sandy mission is no joke. No one can do it better than the Hogs and I want them on the battlefield ready to do this if we ever need it.

I honestly think that the Air Force believes the F-22 and F-35 are so advanced they can't be shot down and thus there will be no need for Sandy. Honestly, when it comes to short sighted hubris it's pretty hard to top the Air Force. I don't think any other branch has been so arrogantly wrong on so many occasions.