
New Favorite Feature.

I'm curious, are you still feeling lukewarm toward Slattery? I think he's killing it and his blazer is like champagne to my eyes.

Man, and just last night I watched both Jack Black and Giovanni Ribisi on an old X-Files. Black definitely seems suited to his role and you can see hints of current Black, but I totally agree. Hi Fidelity sealed the deal.

I'm with you on this one.

Poor Alan Cumming.

Thank you!

I loved Max's chummy nicknames for celebs.

And I can't discount Higgins' declarations of retirement after a joke that bombs.

Jimminy Brungus, Diane Dringle….

While that would be quite the sight to behold, I believe it was, "Stones and Pillar."


Just got to see Carmen open for Jeselnik last weekend. What. A. Treat.

I will be forever indebted to whomever can find Mary's thumbs up/thumbs down blouse for me.


And for what it's worth: they were cool stories, bro.

Super jealz that you hung out with Glass and The Bam.

I saw him do a live show, too, and couldn't have been more excited.

He actually said "Dan" and that will forever remind me of one of my favorite Happy Endings moments when someone incorrectly calls Dave "Dan" and he says, "It's Dave, man. I try really hard not to look like a Dan."

Well, she did put stickers on it, so…

Chelsea Peretti is a star, and she should always wear a tie covered in cat faces.