Mr. Hambulance and I have been destroying Left 4 Dead 2 (yay co-op!) and it is a blast. A bit repetitive, sure, but super fun.
Hey, Drangus.
I wonder, too, if maybe they thought about doing it, but then (as AVCLUB Commentariat can confirm) perhaps thought that some humor may be lost in the… excitement(?) for some male viewers to witness over-the-top girl-on-girl.
You may appreciate that Rogen & Co. wanted to have Morgan Freeman greet them in heaven, with them shocked that Morgan Freeman is actually God, only to have Morgan Freeman go, "no, it's actually just me Morgan Freeman but we do this to everybody."
He was so off-putting to me on Jeselnik Offensive.
I wholeheartedly second Nathan For You (plus a small pillow to sometimes cover your face with while watching).
This was very nice.
Dude's a good joke writer.
She dated Alec Sulkin, so I give her a pass.
I still have the [fake] rose he gave me at that show.
His moustache gave me the heebie jeebies :(
He's on Bob's Burgers!
Mark McKinney is weeping right now.
One could say Tom Cruise himself is pretty unrecognizable in Legend, as well.
Horatio killed me on You Made it Weird as well.
You know, just simple lines intertwining…
"And you can't have sax without the ax!" - Axeman
What a wonderful analogy.