
Which is what makes throwing her to the ground and kicking her totally acceptable.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So the guy apologizes multiple times for the joke and she keeps escalating it? I wouldn’t make a joke like that at work because it isn’t appropriate, but if someone apologizes while stating they will not do it again; it should be over right then. No need to escalate it right to the CEO without going through your

Well thank God you can preemptively whine about them whining. Because that’s better.

In fact, you see it very clearly in that clip above.

What if he went skateboarding in ISIS controlled Syria or Iraq? Let’s show there is some“totally awesome stoked shit there bruh”? There’s good everywhere and in everyone right? It’s OK because we only want to see the good and totally ignore the bad. bruh.

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

Because it answers two questions at once.

“went out and bought the game from one of the stores in New York City that have broken street date and are selling the game right now...we’re going to hunt for it now.”

Uh, they did buy it?

Per Pokemon GO’s download numbers, about 30 million people.

If there’s just one Deadspin article you don’t read the Facebook comments to today, make it this one.

Even more interesting, how on the 6th November did he watch Seabiscuit, a film that wouldn’t be made for another 40 years!!!!

Yeah, that’s basically her “get out of jail free card” if she gets backed into a corner with her argument. “Despite everything I said, the book needs to be put into context.” It’s a lazy trick used in debating. It’s her responsibility to provide that context and make the case why her argument still stands, not that of

But that doesn’t explain why she called it “garbage.”

That’s my point. We know that. Most works from that time period have that baked into their DNA. So we should ditch everything from that period and forget it was ever written?

I’m not saying that Kipling should be censored...

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

yea, not one of my strong suits. Leave it to the internet to ignore the comment and focus on the typing errors