
More recently, someone noticed that this isn't his office, but is rather a receptionist's table in a hallway at Mar-A-Lago.

#4 Will Surprise Serial Killers Of Today!

Still beats Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.

Doctor Scott!

That was a fun character, and it was a good idea to limit his exposure. Still, he never really broke like I thought that he would.

Killam never completely lived up to his promise (Though Jebidiah Atkinson, "J-Pop America Fun Time Now", and "Les Juenes Des Paris" were all solid), but I'm surprised that they're getting rid of Pharaoh, who has blossomed over the past two seasons.

And there's even controversy about that. When I heard him give his version of events at a Comic Con panel, though, he was very convincing.

Not enough for what he did. You'd have to dig him up and violate his corpse in various shocking ways, then send the pictures to his descendants to even scratch the surface.

You'd be doing God's work.

One of my favorite industry stories ever.

Off the record, everyone knows that Kane was an enormous fraud. On the record, they're legally obligated to say that he's the creator.

I 'm not certain, but I can say that if no one has yet mentioned Marville, it's an obvious error.

Blob EATS The Wasp in Ultimate Marvel. Bruce Banner nearly gets raped by aggressive gay men. Iron Man was actually working for Kang the Conquerer for years. Heroes Reborn. Magneto creates concentration camps for humans. Pope Nightcrawler. Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacey's affair. One More Day.

How so? Rambaldi didn't skip your post.

I think that a good part of it is necessary in order to give a sense of Charlie's background and character as well as to provide a sense of contrast with the "bad" kids, but it does tend to drag in sections, and the entire "Cheer Up, Charlie" song seems to drag on for a whole hour.

Old silent films, drug culture material, surrealist bits from Firesign Theater, animation fresh off the Spike And Mike circuit….god, Night Flight was just the best.

Hah! Well, as much as I personally loved the movie, I'm sure you and your date weren't the only ones who felt that way.

My Dinner With Andre. Two adults having a fascinating conversation regarding life, love, politics, and the state of the world over dinner and drinks. Minimal camera work. No plot to speak of, just grownups talking about grownup things.

Sure, but when my cousin is in Little Children, he gets a prison sentence.

He's a back door man in the first place. Keep it a secret, as the men are unaware of this fact, but the younger women are cognizant of it.