
He always struck me as someone who might be difficult to deal with in real life, but in this interview he comes across as level-headed, confident without being arrogant, and amusingly self-deprecating about some bad decisions he made along the way. Glad to see just how wrong my superficial impression was.

I loved Matt Smith's Doctor. Having said that, Peter Capaldi had more chemistry with her with two words ("Hello, sweetie") than Smith did during the entire River Song storyline.

Caught up on Doctor Who, re-read most of Gail Simone's first run on "Birds Of Prey", flipped through Win Scott Eckert's "Crossovers" and "Crossovers 2", two compendiums detailing every crossover between various fictional properties.

Oh, God, "The Body". I can't even type the words "Anya's fruit punch speech" without tearing up.

It goes "bing" when there's stuff.

They both managed to fit behind the same desk?

Excellent cast, with the right person producing it. Please don't suck.

He's gone from an intermittently amusing observer of 90s corporate culture to a middlebrow cartoonist to an MRA ragemuffin who bores the holy hell out of me.

Ah, so she doesn't have a problem with taking a look at illegally obtained stuff leaked to the internet. Good to know.

It's my favorite bad movie. I'm surprised that I'm straight (and so was my Mom once she decided to believe me).

I think so, but who would want to Pierce Brosnan?

Taters gonna tate.

Maybe a Gilbert and Sullivan parody would turn things around for us?

She thinks that Groucho Marx was in The Three Stooges.

Walter White, anybody? Completely destroyed his family due to his own hubris, and his gesture in the last episode doesn't take any of that away.

That's a fair and likely accurate point.

His influence on political discourse has been enormous, though. Think of the group that showed up for Colbert's final show (or sent in video clips), then double that in size and fame.

I'm not seeing that fan outcry. The general take that I've seen online is that she's underwritten (the fault of the writers and showrunner) and not especially compelling. She does a better job with better material, but she still doesn't bring anything original or interesting to the role. However, since you've

It is, but that's not the same thing as saying that it's fair for them to not nominate him.

Good on you! Don't let the forces of fandom make you choose! I love Flash way more, but you do you!