
Unless you were, in which case WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

I have grown somewhat puffy, that is true.

That man has a lot to answer for when it comes to choices in summer camps.

You know, I wrote bad mystical poetry when I was a teen, and did tons of drugs, but I neglected to set it to music. I could have ended up dead in a bathtub before the age of 30, as well!

I love Beavis And Butthead, but Batman: The Animated Series was arguably superior, though it's hard to make a comparison due to it being a different beast. Johnny Bravo over Justice League, though? For shame.

So we'll march day and night by the big cooling tower,
They have the show, but at the wrong hour.

Well, obviously not the ONLY one.

Not even an acknowledgment of Harvey Birdman?

Joey Jo-Jo Junior…Shabadoo?

So he's going to be playing a character with the power to get people to obey his every whim, no matter how ridiculous or dangerous to the person involved. That's hardly a stretch. They just have to expand his influence to include more than Tenth Doctor fangirls.

These are the hands we're given!

But it has made me a Pop!

How Wodehousian.

I did at the time. Took me a long time to get over it, but Sex And The City gutted it like a fish. Knife goes in, crush comes out.

I thought that they were, until I realized that "b. and s." only stood for brandy and soda.

*Scrolls to see if someone has already made the joke*

That's so twisted that I ain't gonna take it.

Going on seventeen young Hitlers!

Her sister had pushed some pebbles up there. Lena discovered this while doing some remarkably normal childhood exploration.

Got to be Phil, then. That is SO Phil!