Hal Shipman

My hot take: current jezebel writers got soooooo excited that a current relevant show made an unattributed reference to a decade old jez article that they had to find a way to write about it. but they couldn’t help underlining the reason why this website used to be relevant and no longer is--mistaking real social

I obviously have no way of knowing that.

You, a humongous piece of festering dog shit, that’s who

Her “lifestyle”?

AV Club, please have Joelle Monique do more recaps, reviews, and articles in future. She is amazing and one of the best writers and reviewers here. Looking forward to seeing more of her writing in future.

Everything else aside - the use and integration of “Blue Monday” into this trailer was phenomenal. Sound effects for breakbeats, symphonic adaptation - all spot on.  Slays the tired ‘ominous, brooding version of a pop hit’ music, hopefully.

So, no more Barf Bag? Things really are winding down here, no?

Why carry two? How often do average people use a cable to do anything other than charge? The only time I ever need a cable that does data and power is if I am using a car, and even then they all do bluetooth anyway these days and it’s often just as easy or easier to connect wireless.

Okay, but like, what was the mistake, and how did it happen?  All I see in the article is something about stacking discounts, but nothing about what the discounts were, or where that $8 million ended up.

That’s twice in less than a week that the entire staff of Deadspin quit. 

You’re the best. Thanks so much for this. 

‘You don’t have to go outside to Juul at a party,’ she says. ‘It’s definitely something I missed when I switched to Juuling.’

Popular transgender comedian, activist, and actress- Daphne Dorman,
-dies of suicide.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

It’s possible you’re missing the point of the pissing contest.

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

“It wasn’t like a, ‘you must,’” Short insisted. “It wasn’t like, ‘you have to.’”

My thoughts exactly. This guy should write a book about debauchery on a budget. He could be a prophet for our times!

You’re not required to say everything you think.

The idea of ginger beer tangerine lemonade shandies is giving me great hope for the future.