Hal Shipman

He’s an outstanding alcoholic.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.

It’s been said here before by myself and others (probably better by the other ppl.):

45 can’t bring himself to mention any woman, even a murdered one, without framing it around whether he finds her attractive or not.

I’m a Southerner, born and bred, and these people are fucking appalling. The Confederates were not American soldiers and every last one of the leaders of the secessionist movement were traitors.

No one’s invincible in this White House.

Well at least he still has that divorce to look forward to.

Now playing

Soon he’ll only be mooching for a sofa to sleep on.

50 women picked up gargabe out of a river, read the romantic note attached, and thought, “Yeah this doesn’t sound like it’s gonna get me murdered, let’s go for it!”

She was a really good mayor.

I grew up on the North side and don’t remember hearing ice cream trucks in our neighborhood. In quite a few neighborhoods you’d get the guys with the carts though, selling those delicious fruit bars.

Hated this show from the first five minutes, hate-watched the entire season in an afternoon, texted my friends about how much I hated it the whole time. It was terrible. I am terrible.

You probably lived in a bigger city. There are many, maaaaaany places where what you were doing would be conducive to verbal, or even physical harassment.

They have a shared interest in pleasing their husband?

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Classy, beautiful and dignified are all code for white, white and white. The funny thing is Melania can’t be bothered with any of these people and would rather divorce Donald than move into the White House and have to do the duties of the First Lady. Can you imagine her in West Virginia shaking hands with these people

He’s just a red-blooded American man, Goddamnit, he couldn’t help himself!

Also, it’s super-dickish to act this way to her while she’s with her three small children. She’s flying coach at the holidays with three tiny kids in tow - that’s already more of a punishment than what this guy doled out.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.