So, when you double jinx, does it go up exponentially or...?
So, when you double jinx, does it go up exponentially or...?
Me. The 12C has been my "If I ever..." since I first set eyes on it, and the 650S seems even more special.
Let me make sure I have my facts straight. It's a four door version of the two door version of the four door car.
Nooo! Goddammit.
Having a redditful morning?
Several people have said it already but know, fucking pay attention to what you're doing and where you are.
You're responsible for a multi-ton hunk of metal powered by series of reciprocating explosions attached to the road by four puny patches of rubber. Look around you, especially because most other people…
It sounds like an early 2000's F1 car with its balls dropped. Heavenly.
...I'll be in my bunk.
I think the commentator on the 458 spin came.
Are we petitioning this? /sign
Please. I'm laid up with the flu. Make my day.
This was always my favorite video for showing off the sounds these cars make:
Dallas, about 90% of the year. Nashville for the rest of it.
I will shoot and edit this, if people are willing to get onboard. I'm dead serious.
Really? Giles?
I just sprayed tea all over my desk at "ballsack of bees".
I was thinking about submitting this one; they look kinda so-so in that picture but they're amazing in the flesh (metal?).