
This show deserves episode to episode review with unravelling every small details hidden in it, not just dry constatation of series finale.

cos, it was good, no?

idk, I liked the show, especially the first season.

Your tone seems very pointy right now.

It's actually not so hard to pronounce. C'mon Apichatpong!

It's just a weird Phi Phi's-way to tell - you were better.

Phi Phi: So Willam, you've already said you've been on all this TV-shows and everything. So, why are you here doing this?
Willam: I am doing it because I am a drag-queen and I need the stamp of approval from RuPaul to be superstar. I mean RuPaul has found "America's Next Drag Superstar"…
Phi Phi (interrupts): I am

Isn't she lip synced with Trixie in dance challenge? She can't dance, Bianca as well.
I still don't get that 'bigger'-queen for a win thing. Is it really matter that much?

Sharon Needles had funny walk during her season, so there is nothing new to that some queens can't properly walk on heels. Some woman still can't though…

I saw it in italian dubbing right after Cannes festival in Italy. Still great experience! If you like to see movie with the same eerie period setting and Vincent Cassel, try "The Monk" (2011) by Dominik Moll.

She is doing Shocantelle Brown.

I love the movie as well. It is strange that in general people tend to blame Lynch for Dune's "failure". The movie is beautiful and all minor or major problems it has I'd rather address to de Laurentis company handling this project during pre-and post-production.
Even though the movie is still relevant and doesn't look

It was utterly impossible. Did you see documentary? The guy wanted too much he couldn't handle. For such complex material Jodorowsky has shortest attention span, if his version would ever be done it would look like just as a series of visually weird scenes.

I want to see shaved-head Britney from him asap.

Robbie could be easily a Lypsinka-impersonator.

I don't see Max anywhere near Jinx-area, she is on her own - great sense of style and makeup skills. Her comedy attempts though, are kind of flat to me, she is not all that jazz/cabaret, quick-wit queen.

She is stupid. Magcholia Crawford.