
Shangela in X-Files!
-It had horns!

Benched was pretty great

She is crazy, all were imagined by her, only events in the house and short ride to the forest there Alexia escaped were real.
So, no beheaded hitchhiker or other events happened in reality.

Not all of them drifted, Bustillo still making horrors, check his recent "Aux yeux des vivants". Pascal Laugier as well did another horror after "Martyrs".

To me it was more a technological remake, the first one looked like tv-movie. All new script elements kinda went behind the wall of new visuals they added to the story.

almost forget about visually stunning - "Dante 01", "Eden Log"

"Livide" also great

I am not sure how many of his movies you have seen, but they are far from being shallow and dated.

To me Wachowski started from The Bound and I disagree about your view on Matrix-trilogy. I think it was more than decent. The way they placed easter eggs of confucianism and buddhism into the body of movies were quite impressive - not too oversimplified, regardless the fact that it was still a big-budget production.

C'mon people! Kennedy gave us "the struggle is real"-thing, and that crystallized Phoenix description, she was funny. But back to being motherly to Jaidynn - she throwed her out from the race in Conjoined queens challenge, putting her together with Tempest.

as far as i am getting it from reddit, nobody knew they were going to be judged in pairs and overall critique from judges for Trixie was very positive, this is why she didn't rehearse the song
you can see it in untucked that Katya was preparing for lypsincing and Violet wasn't sure about winning

yeah, it was the sweetest watcha packin' episode yet

I am fine don't worry! English is not my mother language, Russian is, so I know what I am saying.

haha, Skrillex!!!

Really? I thought she was doing superfine other there. Also throwing shade.
I liked her from the beginning, but now, I start to see that she is freaking cheap queen, her DESPY award dress and Angelina Jolie realness dresses were the same, minus the slit, her wigs are ok/whatever. Today's shark thingy was cute and

I think that Aubrey-girl made that perfume episode very funny with her enormously opened eyes, based on donut entitlement and out of place critique.

Finally, Kandy Who? Kandy Home got sended there she belongs!