
It definitely was, same goes with Subway, Leon and Le grand bleu.

Saw first three episodes. OMG, that gay boy makes me cringe every time, same with overly fragile daughter.

Best season moments:
3. Jaymes Mansfield run-roll at cheerleader challenge
2. "C'mon Charlie" do something Charlie!
1. Valentina's mask-gate

Was pretty obvious to us, started laughing immediately. Pity she didn't do the same outfit from Brit awards.

C'mon, at least Kenya tried the best she could. It's not completely her fault that bad language skills prevented her from making connection between lyrics and performance.

I've cringed then that Eureka start tearing-down to LG, praising her, while still sitting on а chair. What's happening with manners these days? It's normal to stand up in greeting when woman or celebrity walk in or approach you. Just basic etiquette rule.

Haha, now I am russian. Cool, new identity.
As I said before - hysteria and paranoia in USA.

I know what I am talking about. You cannot be uninformed with all that insanity. We were hoping what this circus with elections will stop after you have new president, but no, it's going, all over headlines.

Your elections got tampered in DNC primaries, then Bernie supporters got purged from the rolls in many states. I don't see any investigation on that account. Why? Because there are no russian trace involved?
To the russian narrative - there is ZERO evidence for hacking and other allegations so far.
Prepared for what? I

This whole Russian-hysteria in USA is dumb.

Yes! I want a t-shirt with "I am eating sandwich" written!

I actually believed and still believe in her story, so there is no need to convince me ;)
I thought about those clues you've mentioned, except the one that I've missed, that amazed me so much - that she couldn't read those books, because she was blind before kidnapping. Even if she was taught proper english as

Same here!
And there are so many connections with other movies and works I really like in The OA, to name a few: "Fountain", "Upstream Colors", some Vladimir Sorokin novels, even in a stretch with "Beyond The Black rainbow", etc.
This review is just painful to see. Such unique and mature-toned show just passed through.

It might not even be the FBI set up with the books, which are really thick to be read quickly and looking way too new, but maybe "reset" made by Prairie herself. To put guys back to their normal life, to switch them off for a moment, in order them to action in a right time, right place. Ok, that sounds crazy, but the

I see a lot of people describe those moves as interpretive dance, but for me they have clearly reminded proper ritualistic routine from paganism and shamanic cultures. Especially, since she has russian roots and country has chukchi-people and other indigenous nations in that area.

I can add 'The Fountain' as well of the same director, plus 'Upstream Colors' by Shane Carruth to comparison.

This is a bummer!
I was coming here every day from the day of release, we finished watching it the first day The OA was released, and nothing. And now, only that "review".
AV club so focused on reviewing such shows as Walking Dead, and then something so special get out, what we getting and reading is almost looks like

Aren't their meeting got undisclosed after he closed the door? Just guessing.

It was so powerful!

Great observation!
About point 3: isn't her russian father told her to start speaking only english at some point in a very beginning?