
@artum: That's the part that didn't quite work for me. Thin metal links or muscle, veins, ligaments, bone and cartilage? They had to break through the chains to get upstairs, and the hand was still there (as opposed to being partially/completely eaten) so Merle was relatively safe enough to at least try to get

@casewindou: To be fair, we don't know enough about Glenn to know if he's "geeky". A baseball hat and jersey, by themselves, do not a geek make. If he were really an asian stereotype, he'd be talking about math in hilariously broken english, adjusting his glasses/pocket protector, playing the violin, hacking into

@Kadayi: Yes, there is a difference, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are already processes and people in place to handle this sort of artistic choice.

@kagekiri: my bigger point is people aren't cars — if they were, no one would ever buy them, there's far too much expensive upkeep!

@Kadayi: I work in the arts, so I do know a lot about this and I think you're vastly overexaggerating the issue. It would actually not be that much of a burden. Once an issue like this is decided, it takes a small amount of time to adjust, and then it becomes second nature. Actor, Director, writers, production crew

@kagekiri: cars aren't trying to lose weight or keep trim?

@Ash Paulsen: I think he was looking for you to expound upon why it doesn't work for you. I didn't see him saying you couldn't have your reasons — just wants to know what they are.

"When cats drink, they never splash or make a mess. "

@Asbestos_Underwear: "If they were strong characters, they would neither do what god wants, nor be the pet of the writer all the time. They would have developed a personality that forces the writer to be less than almighty, or else he risks breaking the characters from the viewpoint of the audience. "

@Jon Draper: Definitely cool titles, but they'd be more appropriate in an anime (or movie) version.

@ginnymcqueen: well, a lot of shows are doing this now. They have a mid-season cliffhanger, a slightly longer break than normal, and then resume the same season. You are right though, it was a ridiculously longer break.

well damn, I have to start watching Smallville.

@Optneo: It's not that hard to make it look like someone is missing their hand, especially with film. You can do it very low tech. Between prosthetics, body doubles, camera angles, hiding the real hand behind setpieces, clothing, etc, etc you wouldn't have to go anywhere near CGI or even green screen.

@ginnymcqueen: um, they only had one season. There was a large break, but it was ALL one season.

GDocs Notepad can sync with your google docs so that you can start writing on your phone and finish later on your computer. I do this all the time.

@drongch: I didn't mean to dodge the question in any disrespectful way, I just have trouble thinking in black & white :) and few things in life are presented in that kind of context.

@notMordecai: To piggyback on that, you don't need a task-killer for android past 1.6 and 2.2 won't let you "kill" a task anyway.

To me, it does seem like the real point is "I like writing longhand because I like writing longhand: it's part of my creative process and it works for me."