I see what you're saying, but isn't that circular thinking. You pay less because he makes more, well then shouldn't he make more because he pays more?
I see what you're saying, but isn't that circular thinking. You pay less because he makes more, well then shouldn't he make more because he pays more?
it almost sounds like your advocating throwing caution out the door. I don't embrace anything, until I have a chance to evaluate it carefully.
You have read an entire Novel between the lines of text I actually wrote. Tell me, how does it end?
it was more work than that. There was a whole thing of "go here, find this, click this, find this other thing" sort of deal. It's not like they sent you an email with a link that said "get free 15GB right now by just clicking this link"
Uh, I wasn't disparaging or stereotyping anyone. If you're not OCD then I wasn't talking about you. It would be helpful if you read what was there rather than inventing things that aren't.
it has nothing to do with "not liking change" not all change is good. Pick up a history book, they're all about how things change, not all of the changes have been good. I'm quite liberal and open minded. And not all technology is going to work for the general public. Video phonecalls, for example, have been around…
it was an analogy, not a direct comparison. In no way did I say they were the same thing. Also, I didn't use the word pedophile or mention anything about molesting kids. Now who has issues?
talking to your phone, as opposed to on it, is in and of itself just plain creepy. At least to me. The question is like saying "how do I hang out all day in the parking lot of an elementary school with my tinted-window van, listening to Radio Disney without looking like a creep"
You have a point, but coffee is the only socially acceptable addiction. You're telling addicts to maybe put down the heroin needle. True, but not going to work.
we have a senseo, which we got for free, and one of our first purchases were these "coffee pods" basically little plastic and mesh containers that fit where the senseo pods go. You can fill them with regular ground coffee, toss them in the senseo and voila CHEAP and EASY coffee.
we've tried this. It stopped working the last time. They're getting smart.
with things being what they are with the economy, this may or may not work. For example, my partner used to be able to call comcast when the promotional price expired and get it renewed for 6 more months. They said "No" the last time he called, he even threatened to move to ATT and they still said "no". He's quite…
firm advocados are pretty tasteless, but once they soften they get a very nice flavor.
that depends on the recipe. My recipe for guac is advocados, lemon juice pepper and seasoning salt. Sometimes red pepper. Sometimes curry powder, but I never use salsa.
exactly. Perfection is overrated. One man's "soggy" popcorn is THIS man's YUMMY surprise.
also, I wouldn't link to Tim Ferris. He's not an expert, he's a con artist and gimmick seller.
muscle is not heavier than fat.
Except that it's revealed that Dawn is not a slayer earlier in the season. There's the episode where we think it's Dawn but it's actually someone else. It's also revealed that Buffy's return from death is what allows the First to come forth. The spell that the scoobies perform, that yanks her out of Heaven creates the…
I wouldn't discount Blogger. One of the more popular blogs I follow is JoeMyGod.com and he's hosted on blogger. He's won numerous awards, and it's not unusual for one of his blogs to generate hundreds of comments in just a few hours.